Frequently Asked Questions

What can JTA Group do for me?

JTA Group is a telecommunications broker that works with people like you to provide the best options to fit their telecom needs. We’re constantly evaluating the service providers we work with to find your business the best quality, pricing, and promotions around. Whether you and your business are in need of phones, data, cloud services, or employee benefits we’ve got you covered.

Does JTA Group charge for their services?

For all data, phone, cloud, and employee benefits, no! You are billed directly by the service provider you enter an agreement with.

For web design, we offer competitively priced web design services. Contact our web design specialist for a design quote.

What service providers does JTA Group work with?

We have multiple different service providers to choose from when searching for the best fit for your phones, data, cloud services, and employee benefit needs. Check out our providers tab to learn more!